The wisdom of the whole universe is in a cup of tea“, prose a Tuareg proverb. Lu Yu, a 7th century Tang dynasty tea master, explains that “we drink tea to forget the noise of the world“. Across the Channel, it is even said that “the way to paradise passes through a teapot“. So much for inspiration!
Since its “discovery” in the year 2737 BCE in China, this aromatic drink prepared by infusing the dried leaves of the tea tree has continued to impose itself on tables all over the world, from the trendiest restaurants from metropolises to the most remote villages of Africa and Asia. Today, tea is the most drunk drink in the world after water. Thanks to the diversity of soils, cultivars and cultivation methods, there are almost as many teas as there are lovers of this drink! In commerce, teas are identified by their color: black, green, yellow, white, Oolong or post-fermented tea.
Beyond their taste and flavors, teas are mainly sought after for their energizing effect or their relaxing virtues (depending on the tea consumed) and, more generally, their many benefits for the body and organism.
Herbal teas, infusions, CBD teas: what are we talking about?
CBD tea is obtained by mixing tea leaves with flowers, leaves, oils, resins or other products derived from the Cannabis L. Sativa plant, or cultivated hemp, the raw material of which cannabidiol is extracted. In France, the most consumed CBD tea varieties are black tea and green tea, both for their flavors and for their many health benefits: relaxation, better sleep, anti-inflammatory effects, stress relief, etc.
CBD teas, cannabidiol infusions, legal cannabis herbal teas, organic hemp decoction, these expressions are sometimes used interchangeably and yet they do not refer to the same drink:
- CBD Herbal Teas: Herbal tea is a general term that encompasses several traditional techniques for making a drink aromatic based on plants or a natural vegetable mixture, sometimes from organic farming. CBD Flower near me herbal teas can indeed be obtained through an infusion, decoction or maceration;
- CBD Infusions: infusion is the most commonly used technique for preparing CBD herbal tea . It consists of pouring simmering water over plants or a natural organic vegetable mixture;
- CBD teas: cannabidiol teas contain theine and are made from infusion tea tree leaves and cannabidiol leaves and/or flowers. Cannabidiol teas can be consumed cold, warm or hot, as desired.
Along with cannabidiol flowers and leaves, CBD Flower near me is one of the preferred cannabidiol consumption methods of the 7 million French consumers (according to figures from the interprofession of hemp trades). This cozy drink allows them to combine business with pleasure, with a fruity or tangy note and many health benefits that we invite you to explore!
CBD teas: why consume your cannabidiol in this form?
The cannabidiol products offered by our online store come from rigorously selected Cannabis L. Sativa plants. Our range has a THC concentration of less than 0.2% in accordance with current regulations, regardless of the mode of consumption chosen: oil, flower, leaf, infusion, herbal tea, tea, resin, etc.
Choosing the “tea” format to consume your CBD has several advantages:
- CBD infusion only heats the hemp, unlike smoking or vaping that burn the plants. The herbal tea therefore preserves the active ingredients of natural CBD, which optimizes the benefits on the body and the mind: improvement of the quality of sleep, rest and relaxation, relief of stress and acute pain, etc.
- The active ingredients of CBD diffuse gradually and homogeneously in the body when the molecule is consumed as an infusion or herbal tea. Indeed, the benefits of CBD teas only occur one to two hours after consumption. If you are looking for an almost immediate effect, especially to relieve acute pain or promote rapid sleep, choose CBD oils to consume sublingually. Make sure the product is suitable for this mode of consumption (unlike CBD massage oils, for example);
- Unlike drinkable ampoules and other dilutable products, CBD infusions do not contain alcohol, additives or preservatives. It is a natural product, often concocted with ingredients from organic farming (leaves, flowers, resin, CBD oil), with no negative effects on health. CBD is indeed sufficiently diluted in water to avoid any digestive problem, even in the most fragile consumers at this level;
- CBD teas have a caloric profile compatible with weight loss diets. If you’re looking to slim your figure and tone your body, CBD teas won’t interfere with your goal. The drink does not contain fat, and its sugar intake is almost zero, provided you use a quality vegetable mixture. In fact, this product can even help you shed a few pounds if you opt for herbal appetite suppressants;
- In addition to their many health benefits, CBD infusions, teas, herbal teas and decoctions are fashionable particularly economical consumption, since the price of a cup is counted in euro cents. These products are also very easy to concoct, with a preparation time between 3 and 15 minutes, the time for the plants to infuse.
The benefits of CBD teas are many, but there are a few minor drawbacks to contend with. Unlike cannabidiol edibles, CBD infusions, herbal teas and teas cannot be stored. Also, your body will not be able to derive benefits from the active ingredients of cannabidiol which are not soluble in water.